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"We have A Responsibility To Help Those Around Us And Help Others In Need."
"The Best Way to Help the Poor is to Economic Growth and Job Creation"
"Charity Begins At Home but Should Not end there"
If You do Deeds of 'CHARITY OPENLY' It is Well; But if you Bestow It Upon the Needy in 'SECRETLY' It will be Even Better for You
"Alone We Can Do So Little Together We Can Do So Much"
"Even a Smile is Charity" (Prophet Muhammad {PBUH})
"You Have Two Hands One to Help Yourself and the Second to Help Others."
Allah has Said: "Spend (on Charity) O Son of Adam, and I Shall Spend on You"
"Those who spend in charity will be richly rewarded"
"We rise by lifting others"
"Help people even when you know they can't help you back"
"Charity does not decrease wealth" (Prophet Muhammad PBUH)
"The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you"
"Every Act of Kindness is a Sadaqah (Charity)" ( Bukhari, Muslim)
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