02 Mar 2023

AAM Nation Care

Charity Organizations in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a country that faces many challenges, including poverty, famine, and disease. As a result, numerous charity organizations in Zimbabwe have been established to provide relief to those suffering from these issues. These charities range from large international organizations to smaller grassroots initiatives dedicated to the betterment of Zimbabwe’s population. In this blog, we will look at some of the main charity organizations working in Zimbabwe and their impact on society.


Save the Children

Save the Children is a global charity organization with branches in Zimbabwe. Save the Children works to improve the lives of children and their families through educational initiatives, health care programs, and relief efforts. They also strive to reduce poverty levels by providing essential services such as water access and economic sustainability projects.


Makomborero is a UK-based charity that works to improve the lives of children in Zimbabwe by providing access to educational opportunities. This charity has been operating in Zimbabwe since 2010 and is responsible for helping over a thousand individuals each year. They also run an emergency relief program to provide food aid during times of extreme need.

Love Zimbabwe

Love Zimbabwe is a charity organization that supports the vulnerable and disadvantaged in Zimbabwe. Love Zimbabwe utilizes holistic approaches to find solutions for poverty and climate change in Zimbabwe. Their programs focus specifically on Fair Trade and micro-finance, providing skills and job training programs to help individuals become self-sufficient.

HOPE Worldwide Zimbabwe

HOPE Worldwide Zimbabwe is a charity organization nested in Harare. Their work began in 1992 to meet the needs of people affected with HIV/AIDS, providing both spiritual and physical nourishment. Now, its mission is to build strong families through education and economic development projects that cultivate leadership skills in individuals and communities alike.

Countless charity organizations operating in Zimbabwe work to meet the needs of the country’s vulnerable population. AAM Nation Care is also one example of a charity organization that helps to provide relief and support to those who need it most. If you want to make a donation to AAM Nation Care, you can do so online or through your local donation center.

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