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Do you want to give back to the causes you care about? Sometimes it can be difficult to know which charities to donate to. Whether you’re an animal lover, or want to help those in poverty, there are lots of different charities that will benefit from your time or money. Here’s our advice on the top 10 best charities to donate to in the UK.
The British Heart Foundation helps further research and lifesaving scientific breakthroughs for those with circulatory or heart-related diseases. The charity focuses on improving studies for strokes, vascular dementia, and diabetes, among other related conditions.
We all know someone that has struggled with their mental health. Samaritans is a charity that offers support to those in emotional distress. They provide phone, email, and in-person support to those that need help, as well as holding support groups for those bereaved by or affected by suicide.
Cancer Research UK helps to fund cancer research and raise awareness of the disease. Their aim is to beat cancer, through providing equipment and financial aid to further develop studies into a cure. They also work directly with children and adults that are currently undergoing treatment for cancer.
The NSPCC, or the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, is a UK-based charity that helps protect vulnerable children in the UK. It provides support to families and works with children that have experienced abuse, neglect, or poverty.
WaterAid UK is a charity that helps provide sanitation and water hygiene advice worldwide. It has provided 28 million people in the UK and internationally with clean water and toilets. It works directly with schools and areas that have experienced natural disasters or are in extreme poverty.
The RSPCA, or the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, is a welfare charity that works to make the UK a safe and secure place for animals. They rescue abandoned, malnourished, and uncared-for animals from dangerous conditions and give them a new life.
The British Red Cross aims to help those in crisis, both internationally and in the UK. They provide medical, nutritional, and emotional support to those that have survived or are in traumatic situations.
Mind is a mental health charity that provides information and support to those in a mental health crisis, as well as raising awareness of these conditions. They also offer support to those who are caring for those with a mental health condition.
Macmillan Cancer Support gives practical advice and support to those living with cancer. It also helps with medical, emotional, and social guidance for those that have had are currently undergoing cancer treatment in the UK.
Whatever you feel passionate about, there are thousands of charities in the UK with a cause worth giving to. If you want to find out more about what we do at AAM Nation Care, contact us to see how you can help today.
At AAM Nation Care, we provide people in poverty with the financial care, educational support, and food they need to thrive rather than survive. We put ourselves at number ten on this list because we offer unparalleled support and commitment to families that need us. So donate now to help us to reach our goals.