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14 Mar 2023

AAM Nation Care

Charity Organizations in Solomon Islands

Many different charity organizations and NGOs in the Soloman Islands raise money for various causes. Below we have listed a few of these organizations.


SIDT – The Solomon Islands Development Trust

SIDT has a particular vision of the future of the Soloman Islands. They want every village to offer its inhabitants a good quality of life. To do this, they want to make use of sustainable resources, provide excellent access to community services, and ensure good leaders are running each community.

CCC – Christian Care Centre

The CCC offers a helping hand to women and children who have been the victims of some form of violence. Their mission includes educating the public on preventing abuse and domestic violence.

Family Support Centre

This charity was created in 1995 by the Victim Support Group to tackle the problem of child abuse and sexual and domestic violence. It is a secure and confidential environment with highly trained staff who offer support, legal advice, and counseling to the victims. Tsault or child sexual/physical abuse.

People with Disabilities Association

About 14% of the population of the Soloman Islands has some form of disability. This association fights for the full recognition of rights for people with disabilities,

Take My Hands

This is a charity that connects people in need with people who can provide help.


The Solomon Islands has a rich community with a lot of charitable organizations that a designed to help the citizens live a more comfortable and safe life. Organizations like AAM Nation Care want to enhance the well-being of every citizen.

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