15 Apr 2022

AAM Nation Care

Charity Organizations In Uruguay

Uruguay is a small country in South America. The country is known for its natural beauty, friendly people, and rich culture. In Uruguay, there are many charities that you can donate to if you want to help the people who live there. You can also volunteer or do other activities that will help this country thrive. Here are a few:


Fundación Paraguaya

The Fundación Paraguaya is a great charity organization because it can help the poor and marginalized people of the world. With its help, they have been able to provide food and shelter for children, as well as education for adults who are living on the streets. The charity organization has also provided medical care, clean water, and helped build houses for those who have lost theirs because of natural disasters or other situations.

Asociación de Bancos de Alimentos

The Asociación de Bancos de Alimentos (ABDA) is a great charity organization in Uruguay. It helps people who are struggling with food insecurity and hunger.

The ABDA is a non-profit organization that operates as a food bank, providing food to people who need it most. The Uruguayan Association of Banks, which was founded by the Uruguayan banking system, created it. Over one million people have received food from the ABDA’s member banks.

Fundación Paz y Solidaridad

The Fundación Paz y Solidaridad is a non-profit organization that helps people with disabilities. It has been working for the past 25 years to improve the quality of life for those with disabilities.

The Fundación Paz y Solidaridad has had a big impact on society in Uruguay by providing effective, accessible, and sustainable services to people with disabilities. The organization also works to promote social inclusion, education, health care, and employment opportunities.

Fundación Progreso de Uruguay

The Fundación Progreso de Uruguay is a great charity organization in Uruguay because it helps those who are at risk and struggling with poverty. The Fundación Progreso de Uruguay has helped many people across the country by providing them with food, clothing, and other necessities for survival.

Fundaciones del Agua

The Fundaciones del Agua is one of the most comprehensive charitable organizations in Uruguay, providing access to water resources and sanitation for its beneficiaries. The organization has provided access to clean water for over 1,600,000 people.

It has also expanded its scope from providing only drinking water and sanitation services, to also including other social services such as education and healthcare. These social services have allowed the organization’s work to be more sustainable by reaching more beneficiaries with their programs.

Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia Social-CASJUS

The Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia Social is an equality charity organization, which means it helps all types of people regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation, or nationality. They also have a wide range of programs that help the poor and vulnerable people in society, such as education, health care, and employment opportunities.


These are just a few charities organization in Uruguay, so if you’re looking for a way to give back to a community, or help this beautiful country thrive with the help of charities similar to AAM Nation Care, you can check them out to learn more.

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