Sending Charity Clothes to Pakistan

Where to Donate Shoes for Charity in Pakistan?

Charity in Islam is a crucial component of the religion. Known as zakat, it serves as one of the five pillars of the faith and encourages Muslims to pay a specific amount of money to charitable causes. Besides this, other charitable support includes:
In addition to zakat, these actions demonstrate the importance of charitable giving in Islam for many purposes, including breaking fast or offering an interest-free loan. These donations are given to the poor and needy within their community, or even overseas if they have family living there.
An important point of charity in Islam is humility. Rather than showcase what they have given, Muslims prefer to let the act do the talking.
The amount given to charity in Islam is 2.5% of their personal wealth as long as it exceeds the nisab, or wealth threshold. Expectations are allowed for those who are unable to do so, but even then, many Muslims will choose to donate regardless due to how important they consider zakat in their faith. The most recent figures indicate that the annual amount of zakat contributions ranges from £152 billion and £763 billion.
AAM Nation is a charity organization dedicated to improving the lives of people across the world. You can join our cause and donate now to make a difference in lives all over the globe.