08 Feb 2022

AAM Nation Care

List Of Charities in Ireland

As one of the most generous countries in the world when it comes to giving, it makes sense that Ireland has a long list of charities that are supported. Ireland is a nation that wants to make a continued difference to its citizens and guests, and there are ten particular charities that are run from this wonderful country. Let’s take a look at the list of charities in Ireland below.


Irish Cancer Society

This is a community of volunteers, survivors and patients, health and social care professionals and supporters, researchers, and more. The experiences and outcomes of those who have suffered with cancer are transformed by advocacy and supportive services like this one.

The Irish Heart Foundation

Founded in 1966 and based in Dublin, the Irish Heart Foundation is a charity that runs support groups for its patients who are dealing with heart problems and strokes. They campaign on public health issues surrounding heart problems, too.

Pieta House

While Pieta House only opened in 2006, they have helped more than 60,000 people in distress or those engaging in self-harm. With 20 locations throughout Ireland, more than 200 therapists and support staff, and a lot of publicity, Pieta House provides free counseling to those who need it the most.

Ronald McDonald House Charities

Providing accommodation and a supportive environment for families of children with medical treatment at CHI in Crumlin, Ronald McDonald House Charities in Ireland work to keep families side by side during the scariest times in life.


Sightsavers Ireland is an organization that covers the international market, working to support the families of children who go blind. They work within more than 30 countries and raise money for cataract operations to save their sight.


Since 1824, the RNLI has been saving lives of those at sea in and around Ireland. There are hundreds of branches around the country and they are always on the lookout for new members of the public to give more.

Irish Red Cross

If you are in a crisis in Ireland, no matter who you are, the Irish Red Cross is there to help you. They are the Irish body of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and they are currently running all campaigns to help refugees in Myanmar and Syria.


The Samaritans work within a range of communities to raise awareness of the mental health issues of those who need the best support. They are always looking for new volunteers in shops and in call centers to support those who phone in for help.

Save the Children

There are plenty of fundraisers out there for the Save The Children charities in Ireland, including Tough Mudder and huge events that cause serious preparation. You can get involved, organizing your own events to raise money, too.

Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)

Protecting children from abuse should be the work of every charity, but this one concentrates on publishing guides to keep children safe, learn the signs of abuse and there’s a 24 hour service to help if you’re concerned about safety.

This list of charities in Ireland isn’t the whole list of those out there, and AAM Nation Care is yet another amazing organization caring about people and their future.

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