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There are many charity organizations in The Gambia providing various support services to local people and institutions.
Gambia Education & Teaching Support’s mission is to reduce long-term poverty in the country by providing children with quality education via sponsorships and teacher training. Ninety-five percent of donated money goes towards providing better education.
Football Gambia is a non-profit charity promoting education through football in The Gambia and other parts of West Africa. It runs a range of sponsored projects in local communities.
First Aid 4 Gambia is a charity dedicated to enhancing Gambian’s capacity to provide first aid to other community members. It wants to bolster local skills to enable people to take care of each other in a country lacking accessible and affordable primary healthcare facilities.
Sponsor A Gambian Teacher (SAGT) is a project aiming to provide Gambian people with opportunities to train as teachers and teach local children. Charity leaders are using the scheme to help reduce class sizes and provide more education in remote villages.
Building Futures in The Gambia is a collaborative effort by Western teachers, schools, and teacher trainees to inform, educate and assist their counterparts in The Gambia. They help identify areas for action to make improvements.
AAM Nation Care is one of the charities in The Gambia committed to helping poor and less fortunate people. We work to ensure everyone succeeds regardless of their background or the circumstances of their upbringing. Donate today to take part.