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59 percent of Guatemala’s 16.3 million people live in poverty, and 23 percent live in extreme poverty. Still, people are working to make the country a better place to live. Here are some charities in Guatemala that are showing the way to help people in Guatemala.
The Best Charity Organizations in Guatemala:
This charity has worked in Guatemala for 43 years and provides essential services to the people who live there. In 2016, they gave food to 627,400 people and helped 16,875 homes that were hurt by drought. WFP also pushes for a country strategic plan that helps Guatemala deal with its problems with food security and nutrition.
Guatemalan families can get counseling and training through the organization. They also give kids healthy food and a place to live if they can’t stay with their families. SOS helps and trains young people who have been hurt by poverty and violence to achieve their goals.
It helps Guatemalans get access to services like education, health care, and other things they need. Since there aren’t many schools beyond the primary level in the country’s rural areas, the organization has a programme where students can listen to class lectures on the radio. ActionAid also puts on workshops for Guatemalans to help them get ready for earthquakes, fires, and other natural disasters.
uses many different ways to help the people of Guatemala. They teach people how to eat well, give school uniforms to poor families who can’t afford them, and teach Guatemala’s young people important skills for life and work. Because of this, Guatemalan teenagers now score 85 percent (above the global average) on tests of their leadership knowledge and 89 percent on tests of their management skills.
This charity uses education and community development programmes to help poor people in the Lake Atitlán region of Guatemala. In 2015, they ran six centers that focused on being fluent in two languages, teaching young children to read, educating parents, and giving people healthy food. The nutrition programs have also helped Guatemalan children gain weight, take better care of their teeth, and do better in school.
These are an organisation that helps people build homes. Since 1979, has helped 75,605 Guatemalan families. They helped 1,718 families in 2016.
Works with the local community and government of Guatemala to make sure that at least 95% of the country’s people have access to clean water. WFP also works with microfinance institutions in Guatemala to help people get loans for water projects in their communities. The local government and community in Guatemala pay for school and water sanitation systems, so schools that don’t have enough money don’t have to pay for them.
Families have been leaving Guatemala for the United States for safety for years because of violence, gangs, and poverty that is so bad that it makes it hard to work.
Today, the number of unaccompanied children who cross the southern border and are taken into custody by border patrol is rising very quickly. Save the Children is helping children and families with their most important needs. This important work will be helped by your donation today.
Working together with the native Mayas in San Martin, Jilotepeque, they are breaking the cycle of poverty. They invest in the people first because they care a lot about sustainability. They focus on health and education, we help them create, implement, and track their own projects while building their ability to make long-term change.
With the help of these groups and their work, Guatemalans could have better lives soon. Also, programmes for education and learning facilities will give the country’s young people a lot of job opportunities. As these groups keep doing what they do, they show other groups how to help people in Guatemala.
Another great cause to consider donating to is AAM. AAM Nation Care is doing everything it can to grow the country. They are unique because they care about people and want everyone to do well. They don’t think who you are or where you come from matters. You deserve to follow your dreams and succeed, no matter how much money you have. You, too, have the right to be heard. Check out their website to learn more.