Sending Charity Clothes to Pakistan

Where to Donate Shoes for Charity in Pakistan?

Tajikistan is a country that many people may not know about, but it’s actually the poorest country in Central Asia. It’s a beautiful country, filled with incredible mountain ranges, and has a fascinating history too. While many people are struggling in Tajikistan, there are a lot of charity organizations that are there to help the people. Here are 10 charity organizations in Tajikistan you should know about.
The HealthProm charity began working in Tajikistan in 2006, helping families stay together by helping children remain in the community, as opposed to institutions. Baby Homes have now become Family and Child Support Centres, providing stronger care and support for families in need.
Peshraft is a charity that works to develop the human potential of Tajikistan. They do this by working to improve education for children, including those from poor families. By providing a quality education and sponsoring those with potential, they hope to transform Tajikistan for the better.
An organization located in Britain, Payvand funds a number of projects including the Tajik Film Festival. It also supports the Sarvar school in Dushanbe by helping to source computer equipment, musical instruments and other items to help improve education in the school.
The CT charity is the national Catholic Church’s venture that works to provide support and funding to children, the elderly, the homeless and the disabled. Providing both emergency aid and funding for long-term development projects, they’re working towards transforming communities for the better for an improved future for Tajikistan.
Coram International is a global charity, but has launched a Girls Support Service in Tajikistan to help girls aged 10 to 18 who are at risk ‘of being sexually abused, trafficked or exploited.’ The work not only supports the girls themselves, but also to educate local authorities, law enforcement and NGOs to help ensure the girls get better treatment and care.
The Aga Khan Foundation provides support to help improve the economy in Tajikistan. Working in the agriculture, finance, education and energy sectors, they have helped create thousands of jobs while also making farms more resilient to flooding, etc. It also helps fund educational opportunities for children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
While based in Sweden, Operation Mercy aims to help farmers in Tajikistan, educating them on better practices to improve results. Their efforts have led to some incredible results, helping to transform the lives of many farmers in the country.
DVV International is a part of the German Adult Education Association, and works with some of the most vulnerable people in society to provide support and better opportunities. This includes children in poverty, disabled people and reformed prisoners. They work to improve education, while also providing training opportunities and careers advice to help people make something of their futures.
International Alert helps the people of Tajikistan by finding ‘peaceful solutions to conflict by focusing on the issues that influence peace.’ This includes gender equality, natural resource management, economic development, and more.
ACTED is a French charity that works to help towns build resilience against disasters. This includes teaching better techniques to farmers, while helping them protect their crops from flooding and other environmental disasters.
With a lot of amazing charities in Tajikistan doing positive work to transform the fortunes of its people, we at AAM Nation Care feel proud to be among them. Find out more and donate to AAM National Care today and make a difference to those in Tajikistan.